Helen's Escape

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The best laid plans of mice and a woman!

It was Steinbeck who quoted these lines of Robbie Burns and I can say it also relates to my plans, albeit in a very different context.

The best-laid plans o' mice an' men
Gang aft a-gley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain
For promised joy.
I have almost completed my Masters in TESOL and was thinking of continuing on with the Masters of Learning Innovation, but my commitment to lifelong learning has all but evaporated, and I am sick of the books and the endless researching on the Web. I love using technology to discover new things, and maybe learning something useful along the way, but I much prefer interesting and fun things. I became ensconced in Cyberlearning and could see a whole new world of possibilites as I ventured on this voyage. My first serious journey along the super highway was when I studied Technology and Language Learning last semester. Some of my creations on the web for second language learners can be found here Encounters of a Different Kind and The Hunted. I have vacillated so much in what I want to do, and I still have plans to go to the University of Shanghai, but, for now, I feel two masters degrees are enough, so I think I will take a break after this Semester and travel for awhile, probably will need to after studying systemic functional grammar and reading the interminable research. My most recent contribution is to a project found at this address Hot Coffee Professors

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Patience is a virtue!

The completion of Assessment and Cyberlearning leaves me with one subject to go to finish the Masters. I am going to be doing Functional Grammar and I will finally be using field, tenor and mode and getting my head around language register. How do terms like mood, theme, rheme, modality and cohesion all connect? I will tell you someother time. Hilary and Ann did a sterling job with the Cyberlearning subject and I really enjoyed the task-based approach to learning. I do not have any results posted as yet.